The importance of understanding these 3 legal principles for law students
Denpasar – Students majoring in Law are required to understand and master the basic principles of law as a basis for their knowledge in understanding complex legal systems. One of the key elements in learning law is an in-depth understanding of the following three legal principles, including:
The principle of Lex Superior Derogat Legi Inferiori
This principle states that legal norms higher in the hierarchy have the power to override lower norms. In other words, legal provisions originating from a higher source have greater authority than those originating from a lower source.
The principle of Lex Specialis Derogat Legi Generali
This principle indicates that specific provisions will override general provisions. In this context, legal regulations that specifically regulate a situation will have more power than general rules.
The principle of Lex Posterior Derogat Legi Priori
This principle states that newer legal regulations have the power to replace older regulations. In other words, newer rules will be the main reference if there is a conflict with older rules.
A deep understanding of these three principles is very important in the context of daily legal application. As students majoring in Law, especially at the National Education University (Undiknas), we will be invited to understand how these principles can form the basis for accurate interpretation in responding to complex challenges in the world of law.
An in-depth understanding of these legal principles is a crucial foundation for Undiknas Law students. These three principles are basic principles that must be upheld by every prospective legal professional to ensure the sustainability of a fair and just justice system.
Through appropriate learning, students majoring in Law at Undiknas are expected to further develop their in-depth understanding of fundamental concepts such as legal principles.