Release of Thematic KKN Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (UNDIKNAS) Ahead of the 2024 Election
Denpasar, 15 January 2024 – As a form of commitment to providing education that is holistic and relevant to the needs of the times, the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (UNDIKNAS) in collaboration with the Denpasar City General Election Commission (KPU) is carrying out the release of Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKN) participants in the odd year period. academic 2023/2024. This event was officially held on the grounds of the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional, reflecting the spirit of Undiknas in educating students as agents of change who are directly involved in the dynamics of society.
The event opened with a report from the Chair of the Committee, Mr. Gusi Putu Lestara Permana, SE., M.acc., A.k., who provided a comprehensive overview of the preparations and objectives of this Thematic KKN. This was followed by remarks from the Chairperson of the Denpasar City KPU, Mrs. Dewa Ayu Sekar Anggaraeni, SE., who expressed her appreciation for Undiknas’ participation in efforts to increase public understanding regarding elections.

No less important, the Chancellor of Undiknas, Mr. Prof. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, ST., S.Sos., MM., IPM., Asean.Eng., gave a speech and officially released the Thematic KKN participants. He emphasized the importance of the role of students in educating the community in the villages of Denpasar City, especially regarding understanding their rights and responsibilities as voters.
The KKN participants, consisting of students from various majors, will be distributed to villages in the Denpasar city area. They not only become agents of change through election-related education, but also assist in various community activities. The aim is not only the introduction of the electoral process, but also the formation of intelligent voters who can make wise political decisions.

UNDIKNAS took this initiative as a form of higher education social responsibility in forming student characters who not only excel academically, but also have a commitment to democratic values and social welfare. With this Thematic KKN, it is hoped that students can be at the forefront in building a healthy understanding of politics and supporting the democratic process in Indonesia.