Getting to Know Culture and Growing Entrepreneurship Through the New Colombo Plan 2023 with the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional
Denpasar – Monday, 3 July 2023, the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas) is proud to welcome students from Edith Cowan University (ECU) Australia through the New Colombo Plan program. This program allows foreign students to explore the beauty of Bali and experience the life of its people to broaden their cultural horizons.
The New Colombo Plan itself is an Australian government initiative that aims to improve relations and understanding between Australia and countries in the Indo-Pacific region. This program provides opportunities for Australian students to undertake study programs, internships, or field experiences in partner countries in the region. This program focuses on four main areas, namely education, culture, exchange, and economic cooperation. Through this program, Australian students can gain experience studying abroad, learn the local language and culture, and develop their understanding of relevant regional issues.

In 2023 the New Colombo Plan will invite 16 ECU students to Bali to take part in a joint program with the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional which will last until 14 July 2023. Students will be involved in various activities designed with Undiknas to provide unforgettable experiences. While in Bali, students will stay in the homes of the local community for three days and two nights to be able to interact directly with the Balinese and experience their daily life and cultural uniqueness.
Apart from studying Balinese culture in depth, the participants will also take part in an entrepreneurship workshop organized by the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional. This is an opportunity for them to develop skills and knowledge in the business world to encourage entrepreneurial spirit and help participants become future leaders.

Getting to Know Culture and Growing Entrepreneurship Through the New Colombo Plan 2023 with the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional