July 24th, 2020 – Undiknas re-implemented Undiknas Care Movement (UCM) Program. UCM focused on helping Bali tourism workers, who were affected by Pandemic Covid-19. This UCM activity was targeting Kuta-Bali area as one of the tourism zones affected by Covid-19. …
24 Juli 2020 – Undiknas kembali melaksanakan Program Undiknas Care Movement (UCM) yang pada kesempatan kali ini, UCM berfokus untuk membantu pelaku pariwisata Bali, yang terdampak Pandemi Covid-19. Kegiatan UCM kali ini menyasar daerah Kuta-Bali sebagai salah satu Kawasan pariwisata …
Some Private Universities that are members of the Indonesian Private Higher Education Association (APTISI) Region VIII A in Bali conducted educational activities to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 and distributing masks to several centers in Bali. Activities that have run …
Beberapa Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (PTS) yang tergabung dalam Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Indonesia (APTISI) Wilayah VIII A Bali melakukan kegiatan edukasi pencegahan penularan Covid-19 dan pembagian masker pada beberapa pusat keramaian di Bali. Kegiatan yang telah berlangsung sejak awal Juli …
Regarding to the implementation of KKN (Community Service Program) and PKL (Field Practice) activities which will be started on June 11th, 2020, we inform you of the list of KKN and PKL supervisors. Students can directly contact their supervisor to …
Based on Rector of Undiknas Decree No.334 / II-4 / UND / VI / 2020 concerning Determination of Freshmen Selection Test Result for Phase I Academic Year 2020/2021, then we submit the following list of accepted prospective freshmen. Those who …
Good news!!! The Faculty of Law and Social Sciences (FHIS) Law Studies Program at UNDIKNAS University was officially designated as the Center of Excellence for the Merdeka Belajar (free learning) – Kampus Merdeka (independent campus) program. The selection of Law …
Good News!!! Fakultas Hukum dan Ilmu Sosial (FHIS) Program Studi Ilmu Hukum Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (UNDIKNAS) resmi ditetapkan sebagai Center of Exellence (Kampus Percontohan) untuk program Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka. Terpilihnya Prodi Ilmu Hukum UNDIKNAS merupakan suatu kebanggaan yang luar biasa …
Six European students accomplished full semester study on the Faculty of Economics and Business at Undiknas University. Five students from Germany and one student from Finland were the students who had taken full semester study for accounting and management study …
UNDIKNAS University kembali melepas enam mahasiswa Eropa setelah menyelesaikan studinya di Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis untuk bertolak kembali ke negaranya. 5 mahasiswa asal Jerman dan 1 dari Finlandia ini merupakan mahasiswa yang mengambil full semester di kelas internasional untuk program …