Homestay Program in the New Colombo Plan 2023: Exploring the Daily Life of Balinese People with UNDIKNAS and Edith Cowan University students
Deep Exploration on the Second Day of the New Colombo Plan 2023: Observing and Participating in Prayers, Entrepreneurship Workshops, and Introduction to SMEs
Getting to Know Culture and Growing Entrepreneurship Through the New Colombo Plan 2023 with the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional
Road To Bali Digifest 2023: Seminar on Digitalizing UMKM/Marketing & Branding with UNDIKNAS
QRIS Non-Cash Payment System in the Indonesian Banking System: Solutions for Economic Improvement and Digital Inclusion
The Importance of Media Literacy Ahead of the 2024 Election, a step to educate the public in voting
Seize Opportunities in the Era of Economic Recovery: Capturing Opportunities in the Era of Economic Recovery with the University of National Education
Undiknas and BIT House Synergy in AI and IoT Technology Education for Balinese Youth
Revitalization of Young Legislators in the VUCA Era: Talk Show with the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional
Denpasar – The Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas) in implementing the International Internship Program has officially released two foreign students from Germany, Theresa and Melanie, who have completed the 3-month International Internship Program at Undiknas. (29/4/2023) For 12 weeks, they study …