Digging Deeper into the “Community Specialist” Profession
Sejalan dengan UU 11 Tahun 2014 tentang Profesi Insinyur, Program Studi Program Profesi Insinyur Fakultas Teknik dan Informatika Undiknas, membuka penerimaan mahasiswa baru dengan 2 jalur: Rekognisi Pembelajaran Lampau (RPL) ditempuh dalam 1 semester Pengakuan terhadap Capaian Pembelajaran (CP) yang …
The Amazing Journey of New Colombo Plan 2023: Final Presentation Day & Closing Event
Social Charity Program in the New Colombo Plan 2023: Strengthening Technological Innovation for Social Change in Bali
Excursion Day Tourism in the New Colombo Plan 2023: Revealing the Beauty of Culture and Society of Tenganan Village
Excursion Day 2 in the New Colombo Plan 2023: Enriching Cultural Experiences in Jatiluwih
Homestay Program in the New Colombo Plan 2023: Exploring the Daily Life of Balinese People with UNDIKNAS and Edith Cowan University students
Deep Exploration on the Second Day of the New Colombo Plan 2023: Observing and Participating in Prayers, Entrepreneurship Workshops, and Introduction to SMEs
Getting to Know Culture and Growing Entrepreneurship Through the New Colombo Plan 2023 with the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional
Road To Bali Digifest 2023: Seminar on Digitalizing UMKM/Marketing & Branding with UNDIKNAS