Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas) Through BEM-FTI Organizes Social Service “TEKNIK BERAKSI #1”
Denpasar – Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas), through the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Information Technology (BEM-FTI), organized a social service event titled “TEKNIK BERAKSI #1” with the theme “A Small Step to Share.” This activity aims to foster a sense of care and awareness of the importance of sharing with others, especially those in need.
The event, conducted with hope and kindness, positioned the participants not just as guests but as friends and companions in the lives of those they helped. “We come with hearts full of hope and kindness to share meaningful moments with our brothers and sisters. Our presence at this event is not just as guests but also as friends and companions in their life journey,” said a representative of the organizing committee.
One significant initiative in this event is an open donation drive for all Undiknas students interested in contributing to this social service activity. With the spirit of “A Small Step to Share,” TEKNIK BERAKSI aims to increase awareness and care for those in need.
This social service activity is expected to enhance empathy and concern for others, bring happiness and support to children in need, and expand social networks and opportunities to share life experiences. “We believe that every meeting brings its own miracles, and this event is an opportunity for all of us to inspire, support, and find happiness in every moment together. Let’s make this event a starting point for everlasting friendship and an expression of love and compassion for others,” added a committee representative.
The TEKNIK BERAKSI #1 event aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 1 on poverty eradication, Goal 4 on quality education, and Goal 10 on reducing inequality. Through this initiative, Undiknas demonstrates its commitment to contributing to global efforts in creating a more inclusive and sustainable society.
Universitas Pendidikan Nasional continues to commit to organizing activities that support sustainable development and nurture students who excel not only academically but also have high social awareness. By involving the academic community in social activities, Undiknas hopes to strengthen the identity and sense of social responsibility among students, as well as provide a positive impact on the surrounding community.