UNDIKNAS and LIU Global Social Entrepreneurship Workshop 2024 create solutions for global socio-economic issues
Denpasar, 19 April 2024 Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas) berkolaborasi bersama (Long Island University) LIU Global dan Bali Institute menyelenggarakan rangkaian kegiatan workshop social entrepreneurship yang diikuti oleh mahasiswa dari Universitas Pendidikan Nasional dan LIU Global di Bali.
Berlangsung selama 9 Hari sejak 10 hingga 18 April 2024 rangkaian kegiatan ini mengajak mahasiswa Undiknas dan LIU Global. Diawali dengan perkenalan diri dan pertanyaan antara mahasiswa LIU Global dan Undiknas untuk saling mengenal satu sama lain.
Kemudian, para peserta yang terlibat juga berkesempatan mempresentasikan hasil diskusi dan sharing session mereka tentang isu-isu yang akan menjadi fokus dalam kegiatan workshop yang diselenggarakan selama beberapa hari ke depan.
Di hari pertama para peserta berangkat mengunjungi Magi Farm yang berada di daerah Sukawati dan belajar tentang pengolahan sampah organik menggunakan maggot. Hari kedua para peserta mengikuti kegiatan seminar tentang permasalahan polusi plastik yang dihadapi masyarakat global saat ini bersama Roby Naviculla yang merupakan seorang musisi sekaligus tokoh yang giat menyuarakan tentang pentingnya menjaga lingkungan yang berlangsung di kantor Bali Institute di Desa Mas Gianyar.
On the third day, workshop participants attended a rice planting session and cooked lunch together from the garden produce. Continuing on the fourth day, the participants went to the Taman Baca Learning Center to learn about the history of Indonesia’s G30S PKI.
On days five to eight, the participants prepared their presentation materials for building an enterprise that is engaged in dealing with social issues that exist in society, such as problems of waste, pollution, sexual violence, alternative energy, gender equality, or other breakthroughs. This project invites participants to think creatively and outside the mainstream zone to produce something new that can benefit the community around them.
In between activities, the participants also carried out various game activities which required them to build cooperation between teams, as well as collaborate with members and learn to work together actively.
Day Nine Entering the final presentation day, the participants who had been divided into several groups, presented the results of their group discussions in front of the other participants. Also witnessed by supervisors from the Bali Institute who took part in observing how far the participants had achieved in presenting their ideas. This Final Presentation also ends the ongoing series of Social Entrepreneurship Workshop activities.
This series of activities is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially point 4 regarding education and point 15 protecting land ecosystems. Through this activity, it is hoped that it can provide new understanding and hone the abilities of Undiknas and LIU Global participants in working together in groups with different social and cultural backgrounds. This activity can also be a good first step in developing social entrepreneurship in Bali and Indonesia in general.