Revitalization of Young Legislators in the VUCA Era: Talk Show with the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional
Denpasar – The Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (UNDIKNAS) recently held an interesting talk show, ” Open Talk with Legislators “, which raised the topic of revitalizing young legislators to face the challenges of the VUCA era. The event which was organized by BPM-FH UNDIKNAS was officially opened by Dr. I Made Wirya Darma, SH., MH as Vice Chancellor for Student and Alumni Affairs which was marked by striking the gong three times.
The talk show featured three speakers who shared their insights and experiences on the topic. The first speaker, Ir. I Wayan Suadi Putra, ST., M.Ars who is the Chairman of Commission 2 DPRD City of Denpasar shared his views on the legislative process and the challenges faced by young legislators in the VUCA era. The second speaker, Agus Wirajaya, S.E., S.Ag., CHTⓇ, member of Commission III DPRD Denpasar City, conveyed the importance of being proactive and responsive in the legislation process. The third speaker, Putu Eva Ditayani Antari, S.H., M.H., CCD, UNDIKNAS Law lecturer, shared her expertise on the legal aspects of the legislation process. The talk show was held on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, in the Dwi Tunggal Auditorium Building A UNDIKNAS. The event was attended by the dean and lecturers as well as UNDIKNAS Law faculty students.

The VUCA era, which stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity, presents unique challenges for young legislators. Rapid technological changes, the global political climate, and the social and economic landscape require young legislators to be agile, adaptable, and innovative. The talk shows that took place became a forum for young legislators to learn from experienced leaders and experts in their fields and gain valuable insights into navigating the complexities of the legislative process in the VUCA era.

As the world continues to change rapidly, young people need to be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to face the challenges of the future. UNDIKNAS’ “Open Talk with Legislators” is an excellent example of how educational institutions can provide opportunities for young people to engage with experts and learn from their experiences. The event is informative, engaging, and inspiring, and it is hoped that it will encourage young people to take an active role in shaping the future of their communities and countries.