Berdasarkan hasil tes tulis yang di selenggarakan pada Hari Senin, Tanggal 6 Mei 2024, berikut ini adalah SK Rektor Undiknas tentang Penetapan Kelulusan Seleksi Mahasiswa Baru Tahun Akademik 2024/2025 Gelombang I Bagi calon Mahasiswa Baru yang telah dinyatakan lulus …
Undiknas Recognizes Outstanding Faculty Achievements in Research and Academic Work
Socialization of the Four National Consensus with Drs. I Made Mangku Pastika, M.M. at Universitas Pendidikan Nasional
Public Lecture for Undiknas Students with the Governor of Bali, Mr. I Wayan Koster
Table Manner and Personality Development: Increasing the Self-Competency of Undiknas Students
Understanding Amicus Curiae: Its Important Role in the Judicial Process
Undiknas Student Andi Akbar Wury Achieves Outstanding Success in National Student Olympics
Denpasar – The Faculty of Law, National Education University (Undiknas) held a workshop entitled “Handling Criminal Cases”. The activity agenda was held in Building A of the Undiknas campus which took place on April 20 2024 and was attended by …
Psychology is a vast and multidimensional field that studies human behavior and mental processes. Over time, psychology has evolved into various branches or specializations that explore various aspects of human behavior from different perspectives. Here are some main specializations in …
Health Services in Kesiman Kertalangu Village: Undiknas Collaboration for Collective Welfare