Find Your Way In Dhamma With The Spirit Of Togetherness With KMB Universitas Education Nasional
Tabanan – To accommodate student activities in deepening understanding of dharma teachings in Buddhism, the National Education University (Undiknas) through the Buddhist Student Family (KMB) held the MARAMADHIS (Buddhist Student Dharma Night) activity. with the theme “Find Your Way In Dhamma With The Spirit Of Togetherness” KMB Undiknas invites participants to dig deeper into their potential and identify personal personalities more deeply. MARAMADHIS activities were held at Vihara Dhamma Dana, Baturiti, Tabanan, Bali Province. (02/10/2022)
The series of MARAMADHIS activities took place for three days offline, attended by all 35 members of the Undiknas KMB and the academic community at the University of National Education. Also attending the MARAMADHIS KMB alumni activity from the Class of 2012 to 2019. During the three-day activity period, participants had the opportunity to take part in dhammadesana activities filled by Father PMd. Singgih Prayitio, S.E.Ak., M.Pd., CHC., CCD., CPC as resource persons.

The participants also had the opportunity to have a sharing session with seniors from the Class of 2012 to 2019, apart from sharing experiences about membership in the sharing session, participants could gain knowledge about religion, art, and other things that alumni have experienced as well as new views in recognizing their potential. Not only focusing on deepening knowledge and experience but MARAMADHIS activities are also packed with fun nuances filled with various games, outbound activities, and bonfire parties which are expected to strengthen family relationships between participants, members, and alumni who attend the MARAMADHIS event.

Through the implementation of MARAMADHIS KMB Undiknas, the organizer hopes to provide valuable knowledge and experience to the participants, especially in increasing a sense of concern for others, recognizing identity and self-potential which can later be useful in everyday life on campus and the community.