Denpasar – In order to develop students’ interests and talents in the world of dance, the National Education University (Undiknas) through the Dance Warrior Student Activity Unit (UKM) of Undiknas held a workshop entitled “K-POP COVER WORKSHOP DANCE WARRIORS”. This …
Denpasar – Dalam rangka mengembangkan minat dan bakat mahasiswa terhadap dunia dance, Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas) melalui Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) Dance Warrior Undiknas mengadakan sebuah workshop bertajuk “K-POP COVER WORKSHOP DANCE WARRIORS”. Kegiatan ini merupakan acara penampilan para penari …
Calon Mahasiswa Baru Program Studi Program Profesi Insinyur (PS PPI) Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas) dapat melakukan pendaftaran secara online ( atau offline (pendaftaran langsung ke kampus Undiknas). Peminat Program Studi Program Profesi Insinyur (PS PPI) Undiknas wajib memenuhi persyaratan sebagai …
Denpasar – In order to continue to innovate and develop, the National Education University (Undiknas) held an academic workshop by bringing in expert speakers. This series of academic workshops were held by discussing themes about effective learning methods in the …
Denpasar – Dalam rangka untuk terus berinovasi dan berkembang Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas) menyelenggarakan workshop akademik dengan mendatangkan narasumber ahli. Rangkaian workshop akademik ini digelar dengan membahas tema seputar metode pembelajaran yang efektif di era kekinian serta pelatihan tata cara …
Denpasar – The National Education University (Undiknas) through the UKM Theater Dodol UNDIKNAS held a theatrical art performance competition titled “NIGHT OPERET (MOP) #4”. The competition activity is a movement in order to introduce the art of theater performances to …
Denpasar – Based on a letter issued on August 13, 2022, by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) Number 0655/E.E3/OT.00.04/2022 regarding the approval of the proposed …
Denpasar – In order to appreciate the performance of the academic community, the Chancellor of the National Education University (Undiknas), Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM. holding a Rector’s Meeting as a reflection of Undiknas’ achievements …
Denpasar – Dalam rangka mengapresiasi kinerja civitas akademika, Rektor Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas), Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM. menyelenggarakan Sarasehan Rektor sebagai refleksi capaian Undiknas menuju akhir tahun 2022 serta kinerja seluruh individu dan unit …