Inauguration of Students Organization Functionaries of Universitas Pendidikan Nasional for the Period of 2021
Inauguration of Student Organization Functionaries (known as “Ormawa”) Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas University) 2021 Period, held at the Dwi Tunggal Auditorium, Friday, 22nd of December 2021. This event was started at 14.00 WITA, attended by the Rector of Undiknas and his staff. The inauguration was preceded by singing a ceremonial song and a prayer of blessing, then continued with the reading of the Decree for the Appointment and Inauguration of the Student Government Management at the University level by Kadek Januarsa Adi Sudharma, S.H., M.H.
The next event was the Awarding Session for student functionaries of the National Education University Student Administration (known as Pemerintahan Mahasiswa or abbreviated as “PM”) with the submission of certificates by officials present.
The award categories given include the most active activist given to Ni Putu Giovanny Ardina Putri, the most loyal activist given to Ni Kadek Ratna Dewi Okayanti, the most inspiring activist given to Angel, the most innovative activist awarded to Gusti Ngurah Aris Pradnyadita, The most integrity activist was given to Rony Kurniawan, the most critical activist was given to Muhamad Syahnarki, the most advocated activist was given to Putu Anggariani, the most informative activist was given to Dewa Kadek Surya Berata, the most unique activist was given to I Gede Suyasa, the most motivated activist was given to I Made Bagus Arya Adinatha and the most fashionable Activists awarded to Luh Putu Yulika Rara Gayatri.
Rector of Undiknas, Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM. also had the opportunity to give a speech. In his remarks, the Rector of Undiknas said that student activities were one of the provisions of students in improving the quality of graduates from Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (UNDIKNAS) and also as the spearhead of the management of implementing activities in Higher Education. The abilities obtained by students in student activities such as Student Organization Functionaries are expected to improve the quality of student soft skills in facing the future and act as pioneers for other students to move forward in the future through proud achievements and achievements.