Universitas Pendidikan Nasional FGD Encourages The Young Generation To Think Critically, And Substantively, And Dare To Speak
Denpasar – Focus Group Discussion (FGD) is one of the work programs of the Communication Studies Student Association at the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas) where this activity is the first activity to introduce the Communication Studies Study Program Student Association (HIMAPRODI) to students. new study program in Communication Studies at the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional. The FGD activities took place offline which last year had to be carried out online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The activity was held in the Antonio Gramsci & Michel Foucault Room, Undiknas building A Denpasar, to coincide with the celebration of the Pancasila sacred day. (1/10/2022)
The FGD activity by HIMAPRODI ILKOM carried the theme “Creating a Young Generation Who Can Think Critically, Substantively, and Dare to Speak”, which was attended by 260 new students from the class of 2022. The 2022 HIMAPRODI ILKOM FGD invited Dr. Drs. I Nyoman Subanda, M.Si as the Dean of FISHUM and Mrs. Nuning Indah Pratiwi, S.Sos., M.I.com. as the Head of the Communication Studies Program as a resource person and also a jury from the lecturer’s point of view. Also attending was Ade Rahayuni, who is one of the students of the Communication Science study program batch 2020 who was also a judge from the student’s point of view, BEM-PM, DPM, BEM-FHIS, BPM-FHIS, Hima Hukum, Hima State Administration, and the Board of Trustees class 2018&2019.
With the number of new students as many as 260 people, the FGD activities were divided into 2 groups with 2 teams in each group. The activity began with the opening by the MC and singing of the Indonesia Raya anthem, Prayer Reading which was then followed by a Report from the Chairman of the Committee, and remarks from the Chairperson of the Communication Studies Study Program Student Association (HIMAPRODI). The peak of the activity was filled with the reading of the debate motion by the moderator, discussion sessions, and debates, and closed with a concluding session.
Through the holding of FGD HIMAPRODI ILKOM, it is hoped that it can help students in growing the character of courage in expressing their opinions, especially new students of the Communication Science study program. Communication Science cannot be considered something simple in speaking, but learning, in the Department of Communication Science also teaches how we dare to appear to speak in public to convey information that will then be well received by other people or listeners.
The organizing committee, especially the Communication Studies Study Program Student Association (HIMAPRODI), hopes to provide a forum for students to dare to speak out based on critical and substantive thinking. Hopefully, with this activity, the participants can develop their skills and knowledge in speaking in front of people and remain confident and believe that by learning everyone can.