Implementation Of MBKM at University With Undiknas
Denpasar – Merdeka Learning – Merdeka Campus which is better known as MBKM is a response to the challenges of the world of education in improving the quality of graduates and improving the quality of learning in higher education. It was proclaimed by the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Anwar Makarim in January 2020. Referring to Permendikbud Number 3 of 2020 concerning National Standards for Higher Education, MBKM invites all universities in Indonesia to implement all MBKM programs to prepare student competencies carefully so that they can respond to the needs of the current era. (4/8/2022)
The National Education University (UNDIKNAS) as one of the universities in Indonesia certainly participates in responding to and implementing what are the strategies of government programs. The existence of the MBKM program is expected to be the government’s solution for the world of education to improve the quality of student learning in higher education.
In an interactive dialogue held by Kompas TV, Undiknas Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM. Accompanied by the Vice-Rector for Academic Development, Dr. Ni Wayan Widyathini, S.Sos., M.Sc. conveyed, that Undiknas, as a university would certainly participate in implementing the MBKM program, as a response to government policies quickly, was a step that Undiknas had to take.
“Undiknas has started implementing the concept of independent learning since 2019, the Minister of Education and Culture regarding MBKM has certainly strengthened Undiknas’ learning strategy in producing graduates who can compete in today’s business and industry,” said Prof Sri Subawa.
In line with the Rector Prof Sri Subawa, Mrs. Widyathini as the vice Rector said “MBKM is one of the government programs that can be a solution for the University in the process of Transferring Knowledge to students in exploring today’s industrial world”
MBKM is a moment for the world of education and students to be able to continue to develop in response to change. As a university with the tagline Techno Research-preneur University, Undiknas is committed to continuing to develop according to the needs of the times. through improving quality, facilities, and resources Undiknas hopes to produce graduates who can become pioneers of technological and industrial progress in the future.