Open Registration International Conference & Call For Paper
- Posted by adiwirawan
- Categories Pengumuman
- Date 20-07-23
📣Hi Everyone📣
“The Sustainable Growth Imperative: Development Business Opportunities & Entrepreneurial Spirit”
🔻Sub Theme:
▪Human Resource Management
▪Business Communication
▪Marketing Management
▪Operational Management
🔻Keynote Speakers:
1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif Baykal
(Lecturer of Istanbul Medipol University of Turkey)
2. Melissa Fong-Emmerson
(Lecturer of Edith Cowan University of Australia)
3. Ida Nyoman Basmantra, S.Pd., M.Pd., M.M.
(Lecturer of Faculty of Economic and Business UNDIKNAS University)
4. Pande Made Devi Sukma Ernita
(Student of Faculty Social and Humaniora Science UNDIKNAS University)
📣 Rayhan Wijaya
(Student of Faculty of Economic and Business UNDIKNAS University)
Holla People,
In this year, Faculty of Economic and Business Undiknas University will present International Conference for UNDIKNAS students and the general public, and also Call for Paper for general public without any age restriction🎉
This event will be held on:
🗓: Friday, 25 August 2023
⏰: 08.00 WITA
📍: Auditorium Dwi Tunggal UNDIKNAS
Seminar Fee:
Rp 50.000
Call for Paper Fee:
Rp 300.000
Click here for further information‼
or follow @inconfeb_undiknas
Contact Person Call for Paper❗
👩Dea (081339444545)
👩Ratna (089685404222)
👩Putri (081246272128)
Contact Person International Seminar❗
👩Gung Ari: 087863318469
👦 Adit: 081558141391
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