The National Education University Rector Attends In A Born Anniversary Event With Perdiknas
Denpasar – 15 September 2022 The National Education Association Foundation (Perdiknas) the foundation that oversees the National Education University held a series of Joint Birthday Celebrations for those who have birthdays from August to 15 September 2022 as well as Giving Appreciation to all lecturers, employees, and teachers in the environment Perdiknas for the achievements that have been achieved. (15/9/2022)
The series of activities took place at the Denpasar National Education Office, with the initial activity agenda filled with prayer readings. The Rector of the University of National Education Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM., ASEAN.Eng. attended the event as well as gave a speech, in his speech delivered.
“We would like to thank Perdiknas for its attention to the academic community who were invited to attend to celebrate the birthday together,” said Professor Shribawa in his speech.

On this auspicious occasion, he hopes to continue to motivate all levels of lecturers, teachers, and employees to continue to pursue their goals with this institution, and hopefully what the institution has achieved so far can continue to be enjoyed by all levels within it. After the Rector’s remarks, the agenda continued with the presentation of material by the Head of Perdiknas, Dr. A.A.Ngurah Eddy Supriyadinata Gorda, S.Sos., M.M., regarding milestone achievements and the foundation’s agenda for future achievements in supporting the quality of learning in all lines of education under the auspices of the Perdiknas Foundation.

Entering the main event, the event took place with great joy, all invitees who attended received gifts for their birthday celebrations, appreciation was also given to employees who had entered their term of service, and appreciation to lecturers who had completed their doctoral studies. Komang Satria Wibawa Putra, S.H., M.H. The agenda was then filled with Widya Tula which was brought by Dr. A.A.A. Ngurah Tini Rusmini Gorda, S.H., M.M., M.H., and the series of events closed with a photo session and lunch with the entire range present.