Accreditation Field Assessment through Online by the Assessors from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN PT)
Wednesday to Thursday / March 24th to 25th, 2021, the Communication Study Program of Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (UNDIKNAS) implemented an Online Accreditation Field Assessment by the Assessors from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN PT), namely Dra. Prahastiwi Utari, M.Si., Ph.D from Universitas Sebelas Maret and Dr. Catur Suratnoaji, M.Si from Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (UPN) Veteran (UPN), East Java.
This activity was attended by the accreditation team and the academic community of UNDIKNAS. Highest gratitude is sent to Rector and his staff, Vice Rector, and Head of Unit (Equal, Intens, LP2M, PSU, Tracer Study) and their staffs, Deans and Head of Study Program in Undiknas, Accreditation and preparation of physical evidence team of Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, IT team, the Rectorate team, Lecturers, students, alumni, users, cleaning team, security team, and all Undiknas academics.
Please pray for maximum results.🙏