21 Undiknas Students Received Scholarship namely Beasiswa Indonesia Cerdas (BIC) from Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI Bank)
A total of 21 students of Undiknas University received assistance from the Beasiswa Indonesia Cerdas (BIC) or Smart Indonesia Scholarship from Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI Bank) totaling IDR 105 million.
The handover of the BIC was done by the representative of BRI Deputy Regional Head of the Regional Office of BRI Denpasar, Ketut Manuarta, to three representatives of Undiknas students at the Re Start Building C Undiknas Campus, Jl Bedugul No 39, Sidakarya – Denpasar, Friday (27/11/2020). The handover was witnessed by Undiknas Rector Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., and Vice Rector III for Student Affairs Dr. I Made Wirya Darma, S.H., M.H.

The scholarship was part of the BRI Peduli Bangga Berindonesia or BRI Cares Proud to Be Indonesian. This scholarship was given to 21 students in three categories, namely 10 students who were living remote area, disabled (1), and students with academic and non-academic achievements (10).
The three student representatives who received the scholarship worth IDR 5 million per person were David Christian Liyanto (disabled), Delina Putri Purwandi (living in remote area), and Gede Yona Krisna Ari (general).