Rector’s Welcome
I am very proud to introduce Undiknas University briefly to all the good people. Undiknas was established in 1969 particularly on 17th of February. Since its establishment, Undiknas has become the best private university in some areas. Undiknas is the place for young generation from various regions in Indonesia with their distinctive culture and local languages. Following the number of Indonesian students, the number of international students as well as guest lecturers from various areas around ASEAN and cross continent continues to increase year by year. This creates the learning setting at Undiknas to have Indonesian and international atmosphere which enable them to do not only knowledge but also, culture exchange. The students as well as guest lecturers will also gain knowledge and experience enrichment.
Located in Denpasar city, Undiknas University became the first private university which focuses on not only entrepreneurship knowledge but also, IT knowledge and research development for its students. Launching of the new Undiknas tagline, “Techno Research-preneur University” on August 5th, 2019 has proven Undiknas commitment to create a new campus atmosphere which focuses on research, IT and entrepreneurship. Undiknas University is managed by professionals who are experts in economics and business, educate the students to not only become business specialist with global competence but also, being creative entrepreneur who utilize the advancement of technology to create new jobs.
We are pleasure to welcome researchers, lecturers, industry, educational institutions and other institutions which have the same vision and mission to have collaborations with Undiknas University. Our wide range of collaboration experiences with similar education institutions, research institutes, government agencies and NGOs has enabled us to facilitate intensive collaborations. It also gives a chance for Undiknas students as well as the lecturers to enrich knowledge, research experience and interdisciplinary approach at Undiknas University. Additionally, conducive campus environment is supported by the campus facilities, which started from this year are mostly still under constructions and the newest successful project is the ‘Smart Solution Hall’ on the second floor of Undiknas main building.
In a nutshell, more information and news update about Undiknas University is available on the following pages of this website. We are happy to meet you in our campus.