Productive in the Pandemic Period, Undiknas’ Professor Inauguration Coincided with the Graduation Ceremony
Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas University) which is the best private university in Bali, NTT and NTB on June 19th, 2021, held a graduation ceremony. This 86th graduation was hold in Bali Nusa Dua Conversion Center (BNDCC) which were attended by 796 graduates. Among the 796 graduates who were graduated, they were consisted of 32 graduates from the International Class for Management Program, 316 graduates from the Management Program, 5 graduates from the International Class for Accounting Program, 192 graduates from the Accounting Program, 36 graduates from the Law Program, 30 graduates from the Communication Studies Program, 18 graduates from the State Administration Program, 10 graduates from the Civil Engineering Program, 29 graduates from the Electrical Engineering Program, 89 graduates from the Management Masters Program, 26 graduates from the Public Administration Masters Program and 13 graduates from the Master of Law Program.

Not only handing over certificates, Rector of Undiknas Prof. Ir. Dr. Nyoman Sri Subawa,S.T.,S.Sos.,M.M., IPM also gave certificates of appreciation for graduates with the best graduate titles and the highest GPA from each study program. The best graduate was achieved by Ni Komang Arista Dewi who has successfully published her scientific article entitled “Differences of Gender Perception in Adopting Cashless Transactions Using Technology Acceptance Model” in The Journal of Asian Finance indexed by Scopus Q2.
The highest GPA from the management study program was achieved by Ni Wayan Ayu Candra, S.M. with a GPA of 3.97. In the accounting study program, the highest GPA was achieved by Ni Made Kariana Rosi, S.Ak. with a GPA of 3.99. From the State Administration Science study program, the one with the highest GPA was Ni Nyoman Pujaningsih, S.A.P. with a GPA of 3.94. The highest GPA in the Legal Studies program was achieved by Dewa Ayu Yeni Arsana, S.H. with a GPA of 3.89. In the Communication Studies study program the highest GPA was achieved by Komang Triska Novita Sari, S.I.Kom with a GPA of 3.92. Meanwhile in the Civil Engineering study program, Lidia Eldiana De Jesus, ST with the highest GPA earned a 3.38 GPA. The highest GPA in the Electrical Engineering study program was achieved by I Gede Ari Artha Raharja, S.T. with a GPA of 3.56. Turning to graduates of the Postgraduate program, namely the Master of Management study program, those who managed to achieve the highest GPA were dr. Komang Adhi Restudana, S.Ked., M.M. with a 4.00 GPA. Meanwhile, the Master of Public Administration program that gained the highest GPA was Nyoman Mandayani, S.Pd., M.A.P. with a GPA of 4.98. And the highest GPA from the Master of Law study program was achieved by Nyoman Gede Murdiana, S.H., M.H. with a GPA of 3.98.

In the graduation procession, the health protocol was implemented very strictly, where all participants and guests present were required to take a rapid antigen test before entering the venue of the event. The face-to-face graduation was also a commitment in supporting tourism recovery in July. The series of events also included the signing of an MOU between Undiknas and the President of Bali United, TVRI Bali, PT. Asa Lila Sukasada, and PT Surya Utama Nuansa.
Unlike the previous graduation, at the 86th graduation ceremony of the University that carried the tagline Techno Research University held the inauguration of Professor at the graduation ceremony. Based on the decision of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 25947/MPK.A/KP.05.01.2021, Prof. Ir.Dr. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM. As a professor in the field of Management. Prof. Ir. Dr. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M. IPM who is the fifth Professor at Undiknas, in his inauguration event delivered a scientific oration entitled “The Other Side of Franchise Business Expansion and the Challenges of the Digitalization Era”.

The Professor Inauguration ceremony was also attended by the Governor of Bali, represented by the Deputy Governor of Bali, Prof. Dr. Ir. Tjok. Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati, M.Sc., Regent of Klungkung, Head of Higher Education Service Institute or LLDIKTI region VIII Prof. Dr. Drs. I Nengah Dasi Astawa, Head of Perdiknas Denpasar, Dr.A.A.N. Eddy Supriyadinatha Gorda, S. Sos., M.Sc. Also present were several Professors from State Universities and Private Universities as honorary senate which included Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Universitas Udayana, Universitas Hindu Negeri Gusti Bagus Sugriwa, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga, Universitas Taruma Negara, Insitut Seni Indonesia Denpasar, STIMI Handayani, Universitas Dwinjendra, Universitas Mahadewa Indonesia, Universitas Bali Internasional, ITb STIKOM Bali, Universitas Mahendradata, Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar and several other universities. Several organizations that were Undiknas partners were also present at the inauguration ceremony including the Head of TVRI Bali, Law Firm Representative Togar Situmorang, Bank Mandiri Office Area Head Representative, Senior Branch Manager Representative of Bank CIMB Niaga Denpasar, EDLINK Representative, CEO of Bali United, Gus De Entrepreneurship, President Director of PT. Surya Utama Nuansa, PT. ASA LILA SUKASADA, Representatives of the General Election Supervisory Agency of Bali Province, and representatives from the Golkar Bali DPD Office.
The addition of one Professor in the field of Management at Undiknas is proof of Undiknas’ productivity which remains high even during the pandemic.