UKM Karawitan Taksu Abhinaya Successfully Conducts Social Work 2024 in Banjar Dauh Labak, Ubud
Ubud, Bali – UKM Karawitan Taksu Abhinaya of Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas) once again demonstrated its dedication to preserving arts and culture through the Social Work 2024 program. With the theme “TAKI TAKINING SEWAKA GUNA WIDYA,” meaning devotion to virtue and artistic knowledge in social life, this event took place over two weeks in Banjar Dauh Labak, Singakerta Village, Ubud Regency.
Social Work 2024 aimed to teach the art of Baleganjur music to children under the age of 15 in Banjar Dauh Labak. This program not only served as a means of traditional art education but also contributed to the preservation of Bali’s cultural heritage. The event involved various parties, including the Kelian Adat and Kelian Dinas of Banjar Dauh Labak, the Head of Seka Truna-Truni, the Banjar Arts Department, Banjar Dauh Labak’s percussion instructors, as well as members and trainers from UKM Karawitan Taksu Abhinaya.
The opening ceremony of Social Work 2024 was marked by the symbolic striking of the gong by I Gusti Ngurah Oka Ariwangsa, S.E., M.M., Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni, who also serves as the Head of the Student Organization and Activities Center at Undiknas. Following the opening event, participants were introduced to the children who would receive training in Baleganjur traditional music.
The training began with the reong instrument, which is considered the most challenging part as it carries the melody of the composition. The lessons continued with kendang and ceng-ceng, followed by kajar, kempli, gong, and bende, allowing all instruments to come together and create a complete melody. During these sessions, participants were taught the beginning section of the composition, known as Kawitan.
The training then progressed to the Pengecet section, which is characterized by dynamic variations and serves as the climax of the composition. Children learned how to control tempo and volume to evoke emotions in the performance. The final stage of training focused on the Pekaad, the closing section of the piece. A full rehearsal was conducted in preparation for the final performance at the closing ceremony.
The closing ceremony of Social Work 2024 was once again marked by the symbolic striking of the gong by I Gusti Ngurah Oka Ariwangsa, S.E., M.M.. The culmination of 11 days of training was showcased in a performance by the children of Banjar Dauh Labak, witnessed by the local community, including Kelian Adat, youth representatives, instructors, and members of UKM Karawitan Taksu Abhinaya. This performance symbolized the success of the Social Work 2024 program.
The Social Work 2024 initiative by UKM Karawitan Taksu Abhinaya contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 4: Quality Education and Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. By providing traditional music education to the younger generation, this initiative supports inclusive education and the preservation of local culture as an integral part of Bali’s identity. By offering free access to artistic education, the program helps children develop an appreciation for their cultural heritage while simultaneously strengthening the sustainability of traditional arts communities in Bali.