QRIS Non-Cash Payment System in the Indonesian Banking System: Solutions for Economic Improvement and Digital Inclusion
Denpasar – Friday, May 12, 2023, the Dwi Tunggal Auditorium of the National Education University (Undiknas) held a national seminar on the QRIS Non-Cash Payment System or (Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard) in the Indonesian Banking System. This collaboration between the DPR-RI, Bank Indonesia (BI), and Undiknas aims to discuss the role of QRIS in supporting inclusion and the digital economy, as well as the 4.0 economic revolution.
This seminar was attended by Undiknas officials, lecturers, and students. This event was officially opened by the Chancellor of Undiknas, Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM., ASEAN.Eng. was marked by striking the gong five times.
Several important speakers were also present to present material related to the seminar theme. I Gusti Agung Rai Wijaya, S.E., M.M, member of the DPR-RI, discussed the role of the legislature in supporting inclusion and the digital economy. Mr. Trisno Nugroho as Director of BI for Bali, NTT, and NTB, discussed QRIS and its impact on improving the economy of Bali. Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. I.B. Raka Suardana, SE., M.M. discusses the 4.0 economic revolution and digital disruption that is currently happening in various fields.

The Chancellor of Undiknas, in his speech, stated that establishing standards is important, and QRIS is a BI effort in the field of technology in standardizing non-cash payment systems in Indonesia. The Chancellor also advised that students can attend seminars well and be able to think critically in contributing to solving the nation’s problems.
Also present were other speakers, Ernawan Andreastanto as Assistant Director-KPW BI Province of Bali who discussed QRIS which started from his dream and philosophy, and how QRIS is currently one of the most important payment gateways in society for cashless transactions.

This national seminar provided a lot of new information and insights related to the QRIS non-cash payment system, as well as encouraging the acceleration of economic and financial digitalization that is inclusive and efficient and supports the Government’s program through the Proud Made in Indonesia National Movement.. It is hoped that through this seminar, students can gain new insights and knowledge that are useful for facing future challenges in the era of the ever-growing industrial economic revolution.