Overview of the Undiknas Library
Universitas Pendidikan Nasional Library (Undiknas) is located on Jl. Bedugul No. 39 Sidakarya, Denpasar Selatan, Bali. Previously, the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional Library (UNDIKNAS) merged with the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional building on Jl. Tukad Yeh Aya Denpasar. With the increasing number of students and limited land, it must be admitted that it is not effective for lecture halls and libraries.
Over time, through the instructions of the Chair of the Foundation and Chancellor, the S1 lecture building was moved to the new building Jl. Bedugul No. 39 Sidakarya (2003). In response to this, the management of the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional Library (Undiknas) made use of the building space in each faculty.
Under the direction and instructions of the Rector, the Library of the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas) has occupied building A Floor II; which has (2) space; room 1 for registration room, book circulation, computer room, discussion room and reading room; room 2 contains a collection of various books, journals, dictionaries, reference collections: thesis/thesis/dissertation, the results of the lecturer’s research. In addition, the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional Library (Undiknas) has used a web-based library information system. It is intended to provide excellent service to its visitors.
Furthermore, during the leadership of the new Rector in June 2019, the library room of building A Lt. II was again renovated both in terms of arrangement, more spacious rooms and user comfort.
It doesn’t feel like it, now the library of the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional Denpasar has reached its 50th year. This means that at an age equivalent to the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional, it already has a special room for the library.
Meanwhile, the Library of the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional has a collection of library materials consisting of Purchases from National Library of Indonesia Institutions and Contributions, BI Corner, and other donations.
In the future, the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional library will continue to add to its reference collection and collaborate with libraries of other universities. This is intended to support the needs of users and especially for students who are completing their final project.
Paying attention to the technological era of the industrial revolution 4.0, all technology. In this regard, the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional Library continues to improve in providing excellent service to its visitors by developing a web-based library system. With this system, at least develop students’ interest in reading through the technology they have.
Undiknas Library Service
Vision :
"Become a scientific reference and information center to support Undiknas Denpasar as a center of excellence that is highly competitive, both at the local, national and international levels"
Mission :
1. Provide and serve information about science and technology that is actual and relevant to support the information needs of the academic community at the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional.
2. Improving the ability to manage and disseminate information on scientific wealth owned by the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional.
3. Carry out the dissemination of information about the latest collections owned by information and communication technology-based.
4. Collaborating with various libraries and institutions/agencies at home and abroad to increase ease of access to information.
A. Printed Media Collection
- Books (Texts, References, Statistics, Images etc.)
- Magazines and Journals (General Magazines, Field-specific Journals, etc.)
- Undiknas Scientific Work (Thesis, Research Reports, Seminar Results, Workshops, etc.).
B. Electronic Media Collection (Digital Collection) Caset, VCD, DVD and Online Database, e-book, e-journal
Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)
The Dewey Decimal System combines libraries with the same or related subjects to make it easier to find libraries in the collections. It is written using a combination of letters and numbers. Melvil Dewey (1851 s/d 1931)
The classification of scientific disciplines is based on groups of disciplines which have been divided into ten subjects, namely: 000 Generalities 100 Philosophy & Psychology Religion 300 Social Sciences 400 Language 500 Natural Science & Mathematics 600 Technology (Applied Sciences) 700 The Arts 800 Literature & Rhetoric 900 Geography & history
The collection arrangement uses the Dewey tenth system (DDC) and the sequence of numbers is continued alphabetically (as a relative placement) in the collection shelf. Example of Collection Arrangement Collection Type No Call Alphabetical Header Number of Collections. Information Retrieval System Information Retrieval System is carried out through the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) which is integrated into the Undiknas Library information system
Monday to Friday
Pkl. 08.00 WITA to 20.00 WITA
Saturday, Sunday and National Holidays
The requirement to use the library is to have a student card as well as a library member card. Activate KTA at the beginning of each semester.
- Library Outreach Service
- Membership Services
- Cross Service
- Circulation Services (Book Borrowing and Return)
- Reference service
- BI Corner Service
The requirement to use the library is to have a student card as well as a library member card. Activate KTA at the beginning of each semester.
Submit a photocopy of Active Student Card. Borrowing General Textbooks, can be borrowed for 7 (seven) days; can be extended once the loan period; Borrowing Reserved Books (Reserve), can be borrowed on weekends or ahead of national holidays. Books borrowed are a maximum of 2 (two) copies, while students who are compiling a thesis are a maximum of 3 (three) copies (submit photocopies of guidance cards)
BI Corner Collection Services which include books and references (dictionaries, encyclopedias, statistical data, directories) with on-site reading facilities.
This service includes online information designation and search services for users who need information, directly, online and offline e-journal searches, which contain abstracts & full text CD-ROM services. Information retrieval services in print through reference books (dictionaries, encyclopedias, statistical data, directories. Online search by using and internet media.
Leave bags and jackets in the space provided by leaving an identity card; Show a valid membership card; It is not permitted to lend KTM from or to other people.

Show KTM; Hand over borrowed books; Show the book along with proof of loan to the officer; Finished.
Submit KTM; Submit the returned Book; Pay fines according to the provisions (for those who return late)
Submit KTM; Submit the Book to be renewed
This service includes services for Student Final Assignments, S1 in the form of theses, and lecturer research results, with on-site reading facilities or photocopies.