Public Lecture for Undiknas Students with the Governor of Bali, Mr. I Wayan Koster
Denpasar, 30 April 2024 – National Education University (Undiknas) held a series of Public Lecture activities, this time with Mr. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Koster, M.M. The activity took place on Monday, April 29, 2024, at the Dwi Tunggal Undiknas Denpasar Auditorium.
The series of events was officially opened by the Chancellor of Undiknas, Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM., ASEAN Eng., which is also an important momentum for National Education University students to gain in-depth insight from a leading figure.

This public lecture session raised the theme “Gen-Z, Successors to Bali’s Future: Building Bali’s Future Civilization” which discussed the role of the younger generation in building Bali’s future. Mr Wayan Koster explained how Bali can become an economically advanced province while maintaining its local wisdom and unique culture.
Event moderator, Dr. Drs. I Nyoman Subanda, M.Si guided the discussion that took place between Mr Koster and the students. In the ongoing discussion session, students enthusiastically conveyed their various hopes and aspirations related to social and economic issues in Bali, including poverty alleviation, the role of companies in local community development, rice field management, and action against violations committed by foreign tourists.

This Public Lecture is an important forum for students to gain new perspectives and expand their knowledge about issues relevant to Bali’s future. It is hoped that the presence of Mr. I Wayan Koster as a resource person can provide additional inspiration and motivation for Undiknas students to pursue their dreams and serve the Balinese people.