Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas) Again Wins Prestigious Award from LLDIKTI Region VIII
Denpasar – Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas) strengthened its position as a superior university by winning the award as the private university with the highest number of Superior and A Study Programs in 2023 from the Higher Education Service Institute (LLDIKTI) Region VIII. (12/15/2023)
This prestigious award was handed over directly to the Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and Finance, Dr. AAA. Ngurah Sri Rahayu Gorda, S.H., M.M., M.H. Undiknas, as representatives of the entire academic community, in an event attended by the leadership of LLDIKTI Region VIII, Mr. Dr. I Gusti Lanang Bagus Eratodi S.T, M.T. This historic moment is concrete evidence of the excellence and achievements that Undiknas has achieved in various fields of study.
This success did not just come by chance but is the result of hard work and dedication carried out by all elements of the National University of Education. With a high commitment to providing the best education for the community, Undiknas continues to enrich the quality and number of superior study programs.
This achievement also reflects Undiknas’ commitment to supporting the vision and mission of higher education in Indonesia, especially in Region VIII. By winning this award, Undiknas has further established itself as an educational institution that focuses on quality and excellence in every aspect of academic life.
The highest appreciation is given to all parties who have contributed to this long journey. All of these achievements are of course inseparable from the active role of lecturers, students, and all campus elements who are always committed to improving the quality and standards of higher education in Indonesia.
By winning this award, Undiknas is committed to continuing to innovate and develop. Future steps will be directed at increasing the quality and number of superior study programs so that they can continue to contribute positively to the world of higher education in Indonesia.