Universitas Pendidikan Nasional Of Art Festival Pagelarship With The Theme “Abhipraya Kanaka Abyakta Nagata”
Denpasar – The Big Family of Hindu Dharma Students (KBMHD) of the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional to accommodate the distribution of interests and talents of the Balinese young generation in the arts and culture, especially the Balinese language. On 2 & 8 October 2022, through the implementation of the 2022 KBMHD Art Festival with the theme “Abhipraya Kanaka Abyakta Nagata” Awaken the Spirit of the Balinese Young Generation in an Increasingly Endemic Globalization Period, held a series of Balinese Pop Song competitions, Marriage Contests, and Fighting Contests which were participated by students SMA/K students throughout Bali in the hope of maintaining the existence of Balinese art and culture and preserving Balinese as Mother Language. (10/10/2022)

Bali, which is very thick with art and culture, is the main characteristic that can attract the attention of foreign tourists to visit the island of Bali. But as time goes by, Balinese culture is getting eroded by the progress of globalization and increasingly rapid and sophisticated technology that makes the younger generation of Bali begin to forget their identity. As the younger generation of Bali who cares about cultural preservation, the organizers hope that the 2022 KBMHD Art Festival can be a great opportunity to show the identity of Bali through art, culture, traditions, tourist attractions, and all aspects of uniqueness that exist in the community’s environment.

The first day of the activity on October 2, 2022, was filled with competitions that had been prepared at the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional, Denpasar. The series of activities on the second day continued on the Art Appreciation Night agenda which was held on October 8, 2022, at Barong Tanah Kilap – Sari Cultural Tourism Bali, Pemogan, Denpasar. Also attending as an invitation to the series of events on the second day of the 2022 KBMHD Art Festival were the Vice Chancellors of the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional, the synergies of this activity included: representatives from the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional Study Center, representatives from forwarding Indonesian Women (PIM) Bali Province, and representatives from the Cooperative Family Friendly Women (KPRK) of Bali Province, Trustees and Board of Trustees of KBMHD UNDIKNAS Denpasar, the ranks of Student Organizations (ORMAWA) both from internal campus parties and campus external parties.
The series of Art Appreciation Nights, starting with a joint prayer and remarks from the organizing committee, the main event of the Appreciation Night was filled with the announcement of the winners of the competition on the first day, as well as the presentation of certificates, trophies, and prizes. Followed by artistic performances from the winners of the competition, there were also performances of Kecak Dance, Sundaram Dance, Genjek, and Joged Bumbung. Approaching the end of the event, there was the appearance of Guests Star Bagus Wirata and Ruank Koplo as the closing of the event which then ended with a photo session with all attendees in the 2022 KBMHD Art Festival activities.