Australian Embassy Visit to Undiknas University
On Thursday, 18 November 2021, the National Education University had the opportunity to receive a visit from the Australian Embassy to Indonesia, HE Penny Williams, PSM. This is a visit in order to directly review the form of cooperation between Undiknas and universities in Australia. The forms of collaboration between Undiknas and various universities in Australia are in the form of international class student exchange programs every semester, international seminars, joint research, and lecturers who take lectures in Australia.

On this visit, Madam Williams was accompanied by Madam Anthea Griffin, who is the Australian Consulate General in Bali, NTB, NTT. Madam Anthea has regularly visited Undiknas. Rector of Undiknas University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM. warmly welcomed the arrival of the Australian Embassy together with the Australian Consulate General in Bali. In this meeting, the Chancellor had the opportunity to discuss the close cooperation between Undiknas and Australian universities. During the meeting, Madam Penny Williams was happy because during this pandemic Undiknas and Australia continued to work together in the world of education, especially the implementation of the International Credit Transfer Program (ICT Program) with Edith Cowan University (ECU) Australia, namely virtual learning for Undiknas and ECU students.

Furthermore, Madam Penny Williams also met with 7 students who took part in the ICT program. In this meeting, all the students had the opportunity to express their feelings during the program with Edith Cowan University. Furthermore, Mrs. Penny Williams stated that she was proud of Undiknas students who had participated in the ICT program because they were very fluent in communicating and showed extraordinary benefits after joining this program.