Law Study Program Of Undiknas Signed MoU For Merdeka Campus
After previously being appointed as a Center of Excellence for Merdeka Learning – Merdeka Campus (freedom to learn) or known as MBKM program, as a follow-up implementation in the MBKM Internship program, a MoU was signed with PERADI DPC Denpasar and the Denpasar District Attorney. The internship program held at the Advocate and Public Prosecutors’ office in MBKM allowed students to learn through direct scientific practice. Thus, students are expectedly ready to enter the real world working situation after obtaining a Bachelor of Laws degree. In addition, students are also expected to be able to think critically to find gaps between theory and practice in law enforcement in Indonesia.

The signing of the MoU was conducted simply in a family atmosphere which took place at the DPC PERADI Denpasar Office and the Denpasar District Prosecutor’s Office, and it was signed by the Dean of Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of Undiknas and the respective leaders of the institution. The election of Undiknas Law Study Program as the only Law Study Program in Indonesia succeeded in obtaining the title as Center of Excellence and was welcomed by the Head of DPC Peradi Denpasar, I Nyoman Budi Adnyana, SH, MH, CLA., CPL., and Kajari Denpasar, Luhur. Istighfar, SH, M.Hum. Both of them hope that this internship program could improve student competence, both hard skills and soft skills. This internship activity would be implemented for 6 (six) months from September 2020 to March 2021, which was converted to 20 (twenty) credits. Thus, during an internship at the chosen institution, students did not need to take any lecture in class.