European Students Accomplished Spring Semester at Undiknas “Full Semester Summer Program 2020”
Six European students accomplished full semester study on the Faculty of Economics and Business at Undiknas University. Five students from Germany and one student from Finland were the students who had taken full semester study for accounting and management study programs of international class. The program is implemented as a follow up to the collaboration established between Undiknas and Asia Exchange Organization from Finland.

This full semester summer program is one of the leading short courses of Undiknas which is conducted for 6 months between Undiknas and foreign students from several universities in Europe, facilitated by Asia Exchange. Now the program has been implemented for the second time since 2019. Previously, Undiknas had accepted 2 German students in 2019 and the number of the students has increased to 6 foreign students nowadays. This addition shows that the existence of Undiknas in the international level is actively increasing to globally facilitate learning activities.

In addition, Rector of the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional, Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M. has scheduled a meeting with these students for granting the certificates of achievement on Friday, June 26th, 2020, which took place in the rector’s room. The agenda was done due they had successfully completed 6 courses while studying at Undiknas since 31st of January 2020. Rector of Undiknas said that he appreciated the trust of overseas students who had chosen Undiknas as a learning destination among various universities in Asia. The students also felt pleasant for valuable experiences while studying at Undiknas and some of them planned to continue their full degree studies at Undiknas on this academic year.

Although in the case of a pandemic occurred, lecturing session at Undiknas has been continued by online to these students. The transition to online learning in the midst of a pandemic is not novel for Undiknas. Blended learning activities (offline and online) have been held since 2016 as one of the innovative learning methods, due to the integrated information technology developed by Undiknas. This shows that learning activities in a pandemic have been able to be carried out maximally because lecturers who are able to innovate and provide the best to students including foreign students. (io)