Denpasar – The Student Representative Council (DPM) of Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas) conducted a benchmarking study with STAHN Mpu Kuturan Singaraja. This activity, themed “Uniting in diversity, learning from each other. Together, we build networks, inspire, and grow together,” aimed …
Denpasar – Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas), through the Catholic Student Association (KMK), organized a talk show titled “Transforming Social Interactions through Social Media among Students” on May 25, 2024. The event took place from 09:30 WITA until its conclusion at …
Undiknas Attends the 10th World Water Forum: Identifying Global Water Issues and Solutions
Undiknas Participates in International Company Visit to Thailand: Enhancing Learning and Global Collaboration
BEM-FEB UNDIKNAS Holds Economy Social Activity (ESA) in Buahan Village: Realizing SDGs Through the Utilization of Medicinal Plants
Socialization of the Four National Consensus with Drs. I Made Mangku Pastika, M.M. at Universitas Pendidikan Nasional
Public Lecture for Undiknas Students with the Governor of Bali, Mr. I Wayan Koster
Table Manner and Personality Development: Increasing the Self-Competency of Undiknas Students
Undiknas Student Andi Akbar Wury Achieves Outstanding Success in National Student Olympics
Denpasar – The Faculty of Law, National Education University (Undiknas) held a workshop entitled “Handling Criminal Cases”. The activity agenda was held in Building A of the Undiknas campus which took place on April 20 2024 and was attended by …