
Dr. Putu Eva Ditayani Antari S.H., M.H., CCD.

Dean of Faculty of Law

Welcome at Faculty of Law

Undiknas University’s Faculty of Law (FH) is one of the best law faculties in Bali. 2018. The Faculty of Law consists of the Law Study Program. FH has a laboratory to support the learning process, namely the Moot Court laboratory. The Law Study Program under the auspices of the Faculty of Law has implemented an independent learning curriculum that is supported by collaboration with various industries and organizations including the Bali Provincial KPU, the Bali High Court, PERADI, and various other organizations. Excellence in implementing the independent learning curriculum is evidenced by the achievement of the Free Learning-Free Campus Curriculum Assistance Program from the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.

  1. Criminal Law (Judicial Process);
  2. Civil Law (Business);
  3. Government Law;
  4. Law and Society; and
  5. International Law.

Meanwhile, the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) is designed to focus on International Business Law and is carried out in collaboration with foreign universities.

The implementation of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) curriculum provides students with the flexibility to study outside the campus for up to two semesters. Learning activities include internships at legal institutions, independent research, humanitarian projects, and student exchange programs with partner universities. This approach ensures students gain a holistic learning experience, combining knowledge (hard skills) with essential competencies (soft skills), preparing graduates to face global challenges.

The supporting facilities provided by the Faculty of Law at Undiknas include a modern library with a comprehensive collection of legal literature, a law laboratory equipped with a courtroom simulation room, a legal consultation and aid center that offers services to the community while providing practical training for students, as well as high-tech classrooms to support the learning process.

Graduates of the Faculty of Law at Undiknas are prepared to become competent professionals in various fields such as legal practitioners (lawyers, judges, prosecutors), legal drafters, legal officers, civil servants (ASN), as well as entrepreneurs in the legal sector. Many alumni of the Faculty of Law at Undiknas have successfully built their careers in these professions, proving the excellence of the education provided.

Looking ahead, the Faculty of Law at Undiknas is committed to continuously improving the quality of education, research, and community service. By prioritizing innovation and adaptation to global developments, the Faculty of Law at Undiknas strives to produce outstanding legal professionals who are highly competent, uphold integrity, and are globally competitive.

Program Studi Ilmu Hukum

Institution Establishment Decree Number0253/O/1984
Date of Institution Establishment Decree13 Juni 1984
Official Signing the Institution Establishment DecreeProf. Dr. Nugroho Notosusanto
Study Program Opening Decree Number0254/O/1984
Date of Study Program Opening Decree13 Juni 1984
Official Signing the Study Program Opening DecreeProf. Dr. Nugroho Notosusanto
First Year of Student Intake1984
Latest Accreditation Rating of the Study ProgramUNGGUL  |  Download Sertifikat Akreditasi
BAN-PT Decree Number5431/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.KP/S/VIII/2024
DeanDr. Putu Eva Ditayani Antari S.H., M.H., CCD.
CurriculumDownload Kurikulum

Vision, Mission, Goal Faculty of Law

Universitas Pendidikan Nasional


The Faculty of Law as a leading higher education institution in the field of legal studies, upholding quality based on Tri Hita Karana values.


1. Organizing professional higher education in the field of Law, based on Information Technology, to produce competent Law graduates who are competitive at the national level and have a global perspective;
2. Conducting periodic legal research aimed at enhancing expertise through the study of legal phenomena as an anticipation of legal reforms;
3. Facilitating the learning process in the field of Law to meet societal needs, enabling graduates to understand, apply, and provide the best possible legal services to the community;
4. Carrying out activities that shape graduates to have good character in terms of ethics, morality, and honesty. Fostering entrepreneurial spirit in the field of legal practice among students so that they can be independent after completing their studies;
5. Establishing collaborations through professional community networks in the field of Law from a global and multicultural perspective.


1. To produce graduates who uphold Pancasila values, possess high personal integrity, and demonstrate good character;
2. To produce graduates who are professional, objective, independent, and qualified to meet the demand for professionals in the fields of legal practice and governance.;
3. To produce graduates who are responsive to changes and advancements in science and technology and capable of addressing challenges, particularly those related to legal studies.;
4. To produce graduates with the ability to apply knowledge and technological skills, enabling them to compete at the national and global levels. ;
5. To produce graduates who master scientific principles and knowledge in the field of law, enabling them to analyze and find solutions to legal problems within their area of expertise.

Organizational structure Faculty of Law

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