GenBI UNDIKNAS Hosts “GENTAR: GenBI Lestari” to Promote Environmental Sustainability
KMB Undiknas Hosts Social Activity “Buddhist Care 2024” at Baith-El Christian Orphanage
Denpasar, July 19, 2024 – The School Environment Introduction Program (MPLS) at TK Sila Kumara for the 2024-2025 academic year was carried out with an innovative approach through a Parenting Class event themed “Preparing for School with the Tri Education …
Undiknas Holds SESAAT BIJAK #5: Education and Socialization of Sustainable Waste Management
The tourism industry is one of the sectors that continues to grow and is a crucial pillar for the economy in many countries, including Indonesia. With the increasing global interest in exploring new places, graduates of the Tourism Destination Study …
Sosialisasi Kesehatan Mental di MPLS SMA Dwijendra: Psikologi Undiknas Beri Edukasi Pentingnya Pencegahan Depresi
In the midst of modern life, filled with pressures and uncertainties, many of us seek ways to achieve inner peace. One ancient teaching that has become increasingly relevant in this endeavor is Stoicism. Although it originates from ancient Greece, this …
Undiknas Psychology Lecturer Facilitates Team Building Activity for PHD Mama
Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas) Celebrates Saraswati Day with Collective Worship and Balinese Arts Performance
In recent years, a narrative has emerged claiming that Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012, is mentally weaker than previous generations. Labels like “fragile generation” or “snowflakes” are often attached to this group. But is this claim actually true? …