
Dr. Kadek Januarsa Adi Sudharma S.H.,M.H., C.P.C.L.E., C.Med., CCD.

Dean Faculty of Health Science

Welcome at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Having a vision as a technology and research-based university, Undiknas University must be supported by advanced technology and reliable human resources. Along with the development of the digital era, Undiknas University continues to transform in developing technology. The leap from civilization to the digital realm has encouraged the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics (FTI) to develop study programs that support society’s needs for technology and information development. The creation of bureaucratic digitization and a paperless campus is a form of technological breakthrough that has been implemented by Undiknas University through the development of the Information Technology study program. Since 2017, Undiknas University has succeeded in creating the Undiknas Mobile application which makes it easier for students to access all information.

The ultimate goal of this system is the realization of a smart campus. Smart campus is a digital education system that runs automatically and on autopilot which facilitates interaction between the entire academic community in carrying out the learning process. Apart from focusing on digital development, FTI also oversees other study programs that are also excellent in their fields. The study programs included in it include the Civil Engineering Study Program, the Electrical Engineering Study Program, the Information Technology Study Program and the Professional Engineer Study Program.

The Faculty of Engineering and Informatics has 3 study programs and 1 professional program including:

  1. Civil Engineering Study Program
  2. Electrical Engineering Study Program
  3. Information Technology Study Program
  4. Engineer Profession Program

As a private higher education institution, the establishment and development of faculties at Undiknas have followed the stages as regulated in the Ministry of Education and Culture Regulation (Permendikbud) Number 7 of 2020. As a follow-up, the University Academic Senate has also provided approval and analysis for the establishment of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at Undiknas, as documented in the Academic Senate Meeting Minutes Number: 025/Senat/XII/2022.

The vision of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at Undiknas is:
“Excellence in the field of the Three Pillars of Higher Education (Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi) in producing healthcare professionals with the independence to develop scientific knowledge based on research and technology, while upholding the values of Pancasila and Tri Hita Karana.”
This vision is then translated into the Faculty’s mission, which is to implement education, learning, research, and community service in the fields of medicine and health sciences focusing on physical and mental health while prioritizing a culture of quality to contribute to the development of science and technology, and fostering an entrepreneurial spirit. Based on the analysis of internal, external, and higher education regulations, the first study program proposed under the Faculty of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is the Psychology Study Program.

As a higher education institution that carries four core mantras in its vision and mission—technology, entrepreneurship, research, and Tri Hita Karana—Undiknas is called to contribute scientifically. Through the establishment of the Psychology Study Program under the Faculty of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, the program specializes in Neuropsychopreneur. The determination of Neuropsychopreneur as the hallmark of Undiknas Psychology Study Program has also undergone in-depth studies involving various strategic partners of Undiknas.

The uniqueness of the Psychology Study Program curriculum at Universitas Pendidikan Nasional lies in its emphasis on Neuropsychopreneur. This concept equips students with the ability to understand psychological issues by analyzing thought processes and how the mind works in influencing individual behavior in society. This knowledge is then transformed into opportunities for developing business models, products, or services by utilizing digital technology, while also building an entrepreneurial spirit based on the values of harmony (Tri Hita Karana).

Based on this foundation, the Psychology Study Program at Universitas Pendidikan Nasional carries the vision:
“Excellence in the field of the Three Pillars of Higher Education (Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi) in producing psychology graduates who prioritize neuropsychological studies based on technology that can be applied in entrepreneurship grounded in the values of Pancasila and Tri Hita Karana.”

The missions of the Psychology Study Program at Universitas Pendidikan Nasional are:

  1. To conduct quality education and learning processes that emphasize neuropsychological studies utilizing technology and based on Tri Hita Karana values.
  2. To conduct research that contributes to the development of neuropsychology and entrepreneurship studies by utilizing technology and based on Tri Hita Karana values.
  3. To carry out community service based on neuropsychological studies by utilizing technology and based on Tri Hita Karana values.
  4. To establish collaborations with external parties in the fields of neuropsychology and entrepreneurship that benefit all parties.
  5. To develop business models, products, or services by creating various innovations based on neuropsychological studies while utilizing technology.

The Psychology Study Program aims to produce Bachelor of Psychology (S.Psi.) graduates who are competent in their fields, competitive in the job market, and possess an entrepreneurial spirit, enabling them to create job opportunities for the community. This program also aims to produce graduates who can work as Neuropsychology Practitioners, Market Researchers, Psychological Assistants, Human Resources Staff, Counselors, and Research Assistants.

Currently, the Faculty of Pharmacy and Health Sciences has one study program:
1. Psychology Study Program.

Study Program Psychology

Institution Establishment Decree Number0253/O/1984
Date of Institution Establishment Decree13 Juni 1984
Official Signing the Institution Establishment DecreeProf. Dr. Nugroho Notosusanto
Study Program Opening Decree Number803/E/O/2023
Date of Study Program Opening Decree17 Oktober 2023
Pejabat Penandatangan Pembukaan SKNizam
Official Signing the Study Program Opening Decree2024
Peringkat Terbaru Akreditasi PSTerakreditaso  |  Download Sertifikat Akreditasi
BAN-PT Decree Number287/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.P/S/I/2024
DeanDr. Kadek Januarsa Adi Sudharma S.H.,M.H., C.P.C.L.E., C.Med., CCD.
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Vision, Mission, Goals Faculty of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Universitas Pendidikan Nasional


“Unggul pada bidang Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi dalam menghasilkan tenaga Kesehatan yang memiliki kemandirian pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan mengacu pada hasil riset dan teknologi, serta mengedepankan nilai-nilai Pancasila dan Tri Hita Karana”


Menerapkan pendidikan, pembelajaran, penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dalam bidang ilmu kesehatan yang berfokus pada kesehatan fisik dan mental dengan mengedepankan budaya mutu dalam rangka memberikan kontribusi terhadap perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi serta berjiwa entrepreneur.


Menghasilkan lulusan yang berkompeten di bidangnya, mampu bersaing di dunia kerja, serta memiliki jiwa entrepreneur sehingga mampu menciptakan peluang kerja bagi masyarakat.

Organizational structure Faculty of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

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