India telah menjadi pusat pengembangan teknologi dunia, terutama dalam hal menghasilkan sumber daya programer handal.
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Berita Utama News
Denpasar - Prestasi gemilang kembali diraih oleh Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas) melalui UKM Dance Warrior.
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Berita Utama
Denpasar - Sebagai salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (PTS) dengan reputasi baik dan terkemuka di lingkungan Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi (LLDikti) VIII, Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas) terus berkembang dan bertransformasi menjadi PTS yang semakin dikenal baik dikalangan masyarakat. Capaian ini tentunya tidak terlepas dari kerja keras seluruh civitas akademika yang ada di lingkungan Undiknas.
Mengapresiasi kinerja
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Denpasar – Personal branding is said to be an intention to compose and build other people's perceptions of one's self. In simple terms, personal branding is how someone 'markets' himself to others. In today's digital era, digital footprints form a person's perception that can define his character. Online media through social media is also a
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Denpasar - In commemoration of the 18th Anniversary (HUT) of the Communication Studies Program at the National Education University (Undiknas), the Student Association of the Communication Studies Program (Himaprodi) Undiknas held a series of competitions with the general theme, "Be Confident and Improve. Your Creative Side". The series of competition activities in the Himaprodi work
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Denpasar - In a world that is currently growing, the business sector is required to continue to provide its best performance in attracting potential customers. Companies today have many choices in how to do their marketing differently from the previous media which were only limited to print, television, and radio media which made the company's
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