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Berita Utama News

Denpasar - 10 September 2023, rangkaian acara Student Week 2023 Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas) memasuki
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Australia - Memasuki hari keempat International Enrichment Program (IEP) 2023, para mahasiswa dari Universitas Pendidikan
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Berita Utama

Denpasar – Entrepreneurship activities are now increasingly being watched by young people, the dream of being a successful businessman/entrepreneur is often the goal and aspiration of a millennial child. Unlike the case in the 90s, where being a servant of the state seemed to be an absolute goal that became a measure of one's success.
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Denpasar – Kegiatan berwirausaha kini semakin banyak dilirik oleh kalangan anak muda, mimpi untuk dapat menjadi seorang pebisnis/wirausahawan sukses sering kali menjadi tujuan dan cita-cita seorang anak milenial. Berbeda halnya dengan era 90-an, dimana menjadi abdi negara seolah menjadi sebuah tujuan mutlak yang menjadi ukuran kesuksesan seseorang. Bergesernya paradigma ini tentu memperoleh pengaruh besar dari
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Denpasar – Located in front of Building A of the National Education University (Undiknas), Undiknas Rector, Professor Nyoman Sri Subawa gathered the entire Undiknas academic community to launch the latest attendance system to support work effectiveness in each unit within Undiknas. In an effort to support achievements in the year of digitization in 2022, the
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Denpasar – The National Education University (Undiknas) through the Undiknas Entrepreneurship Internal Grant Selection Committee Team held an Entrepreneurship Bootcamp as the final stage of the 2022 Entrepreneurship Internal Grant Program Selection (BAIK) at Kopi Bali Camp, Pupuan Village, Tabanan for two days, 27 – 28 May 2022. The Bootcamp activity presents mentors who are
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