Universitas Pendidikan Nasional Rector Ngayah Ngigel at Piodalan Pura Sekar Jagat
Denpasar – In Piodalan’s condolences at Sekar Jagat Temple, Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas). The Rector of the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM. ASEAN.Eng. presented the father of Mask Dance at a series of piodalan ceremonies which were held on Monday, November 8, 2022. This was done as a form of gratitude and gratitude for all the blessings that have been bestowed by Ida Shang Hyang Widhi Wasa so that the piodalan day can be held in Sekar Jagat Temple on the fifth rahina full moon. (8/11/2022)

The peak series of piodalan works at Sekar Jagat Undiknas took place at 7 WITA which began with preparations to offer offerings and prayers with the entire academic community present. Before heading to the prayer event, there was a series of dances that were staged, starting with the Rejang Dance as an opening filled by dancers from the Bhanda Iswari Undiknas Dance UKM, followed by a mask dance performance, one of which was danced by the Chancellor of the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional Professor Sri Subawa, collaborating with Mr. Ida Nyoman Basmantra S.Pd., M.Pd as Head of International Office at the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional. After the dance performance was completed, the agenda continued at the peak of the joint prayer event which was attended by the entire academic community who were present at Sekar Jagat Temple, Universitas Pendidikan Nasional.

Through the series of pilots held, it is hoped that it can bring positive energy to the entire academic community at Undiknas, and also as a place for self-reflection to always be grateful for all the blessings and abundance of fortune that Ida Shang Hyang Widhi Wasa has given to all his people.