G20 Event as A Generator Driving Bali’s Economy
The G20 Presidential Activities which will soon bring great leaders from various countries to the island of Bali have become an important momentum for many MSME players in rebuilding their businesses after being hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. The G20 activity is an international scale event where the countries present represent 80 % of world GDP and 70% of global trade. This amount is certainly a big opportunity for business actors to offer their business products to the world market.
The agenda is that in November 2022 leaders from various countries will visit the island of Bali to attend the G20 event. This certainly invites the attention of many parties, including one from the academic side of the G20 activities and their impact on the community’s economy. The Rector of the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM. ASEAN.Eng., in an interview with RRI in a special dialogue activity with the Governor of Bali, Dr. Ir. I Wayan Koster, M.M., said that the implementation of the G20 was the right momentum for the Balinese people and MSME players to recover their economy after being affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

“The G20 Presidential Event will certainly stimulate the economy, in terms of infrastructure, employment, and economic consumption, of course, this will have an economic impact,” said Professor Sri Subawa in his interview.
Professor Sri Subawa also said that the community certainly hopes that, with the assistance of government funds, which are quite representative in realizing the growing economy of Bali, this is certainly not impossible. However, he also emphasized that he should continue to pay attention to the sustainability of all activities currently being held so that they can continue to have an effect for generations to come.

Bali Governor Wayan Koster also said that the current Bali provincial government is 100% ready to host the G20 later.
“The preparations have been perfect,” he said. “I was assigned to lead the acceleration of development in Bali,” said the Governor.
According to him, the international event has had a positive impact on the economy of Bali. “Economic benefits have been seen from the second quarter’s economic growth of 3.04 percent,” said Bali Governor Wayan Koster