Universitas Pendidikan Nasional Held an Economy Social Care Agenda: Small Action Can Make a Big Impact
Denpasar – Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas) through the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics and Business (BEM FEB) and the Student Representative Body of the Faculty of Economics and Business (BPM FEB) held a series of Economy Social Care activities which were held to provide education, understanding, and assistance to the village community to improve the quality of life, economic standard, quality of health and nutrition of the community in the village. Through the various program activities carried out, it is hoped that it can help village residents in maintaining health and empowering themselves through creative economic resources in the village to be able to earn income. (30/10/2022)

Carrying the theme “Small Action Can Make Big Impact”, the series of Economy Social Care activities lasted for two days from 27 to 28 October 2022, located in Bayung Gede Village, Bangli. The activity was attended by the Student Council of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional and the Lecturers at the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional. The series of activities took place with great enthusiasm from the organizers and participants. Various programs were held, including health services in collaboration with the BIC Clinic, counseling programs on the topic of stunting in collaboration with the Bali Provincial BKKBN, visits to families receiving assistance from underprivileged families, visits to MSMEs in villages that have the potential to become sources of assistance. economic income for its citizens, which was no less exciting, the committee also held hands-on practice in realizing creative economic ideas to produce products of economic value in the market and Fun Teaching activities held at SD Negeri Bayung Gede, Bangli.

Through the various programs and synergies that have been implemented, the organizing committee, all related parties who have collaborated in completing the Economy Social Care activities, and all participants hope that all contributions, efforts, and hard work that have been given can have a positive impact on economic development and the development of Bayung Village. Great Bangli in the future.