Take A Life Based on Religious Teaching with KBMHD Universitas Pendidikan Nasional
Denpasar – As one of the annual work programs organized by the Hindu Dharma Student Family (KBMHD) of the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas), KBMHD held a series of activities for the 2022 KBMHD Socialization Event (ASOKA) in order to introduce the KBMHD organization, the board of directors in it, and the scope of the organization through the introduction of work programs carried out by KBMHD itself to the academic community at the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional, especially for new students who recently joined the big family of the University’s academic community. The series of activities took place on Sunday, October 16, 2022 at the Dwi Tunggal Auditorium at the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional with the theme “Asha Nawasena Agamaning Dharma” which means “New hope towards a bright future based on religious teachings and on the path of truth”. (16/10/2022)

The ASOKA KBMHD 2022 activity was held offline which was attended by 240 Universitas Pendidikan Nasional Students where 50 participants came from the 2021 students and 190 participants came from the 2022 class, there were 10 invited guests present, 52 committees and 17 core functionaries as the organizers of the activity. Also attending the event was the founder of the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional KBMHD, namely Mr. Made Arya Amitaba, S.E., M.M. and the supervisor of the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional KBMHD, namely Dr. A.A.A Ngr Tini Rusmini Gorda, S.H., M.M., M.H. who also served as a speaker at the ASOKA KBMHD 2022 event.

The ASOKA series of activities began with the opening ceremony by the MC of the event, which was followed by the provision of socialization materials by the founder and coach of KBMHD, Mr. Made Arya Amitaba, S.E., M.M. and mother Dr. A.A.A Ngr Tini Rusmini Gorda, S.H., M.M., M.H. After the presentation session by the founders and coaches, the agenda continued with the presentation of the work programs that have been running as well as future achievement targets delivered by the core KBMHD functionaries regarding the work programs of each division and commission. After all the presentations were finished, the series of activities closed with music performances from UKM Sound and the presentation of prizes and mementos to the speakers who were present. Through the implementation of the ASOKA KBMHD 2022 activity, it is expected to provide new insights for the participants regarding the work program organized by KBMHD as an organization and to know more about the scope of the organization’s activities for the participants.