Jegeg Fest #1 Jegeg Bagus Performance Universitas Pendidikan Nasional, Endek Bali Become A Signing
Denpasar – Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas) to introduce Indonesian traditional clothing products to the international arena, held a series of JEBAG FEST #1 events organized by Jegeg Bagus Undiknas. JEBAG FEST #1 is one of the 5th work programs of UKM Jegeg Bagus Undiknas, this jebag festival is a fashion parade competition held to showcase or introduce Indonesian Kebaya clothing. the contestants, with their characteristics and creativity, created various clothes made from traditional fabrics to be demonstrated in the JEBAG FEST #1 event. JEBAG FEST #1 work program itself carries the theme “Get Up, Dress Up, and Show Up” KEBAYA INDONESIA GOES TO UNESCO which means ready to look stunning with high confidence anywhere and anytime. (1/10/2022)

JEBAG FEST #1 activities synergize with A.A.A.Ngurah Tini Rusmini Gorda, S.H., M.M., M.H., as the head of the Undiknas Study Center (PSU), Kebaya Goes to UNESCO, PBI, Rotary Bali Bersinar, Buleleng Sakti, PPI, and many others. JEBAG FEST #1 lasts for one day, taking place at Secret Garden Village, Bedugul, Kab. Tabanan. In its activities, JEBAG FEST #1 displays various types of creative clothing with traditional nuances but still following the development of today’s modern styles. Endek as one of the traditional types of cloth used in making clothes became an interesting highlight during the JEBAG FEST #1 performance. Endek with various motifs and colors can be applied to various forms and types of clothing media so that its use can continue to grow according to variations and market demand making it the choice of many traditional fashion fans.

Through the implementation of JEBAG FEST #1, it is hoped that the classic image of traditional raw materials is not only favored by the local community. But more than that, it can be demanded by a wider market in the international arena. The JEBAG FEST #1 performance is one of the student’s efforts to realize this in synergy with various levels of society, of course, this is optimistic that it can be realized.