Exploring Your Ideas and Making Them Happen with The Universitas Pendidikan Nasional
Denpasar – Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas) to develop students’ insight into information technology systems that continue to develop today. In September 2022, IT Bootcamp 2022 held an activity with the theme “Exploring Your Ideas and Make It Happen”. The 2022 IT Bootcamp itself has been carried out thanks to the synergy and hard karma of the Faculty of Information Technology (FTI) of the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional together with all its staff in realizing these activities. IT Bootcamp 2022 invites its participants to explore ideas and make them happen through the development of information technology systems that can be the answer to a problem. (25/9/2022)

The series of IT Bootcamp 2022 activities took place at Soka Indah Restaurant located in the Tabanan area, Bali Province. Present as speakers at the 2022 IT Bootcamp event include: Mr. Kadek Darmaastawan S.Kom., M.T a speaker in the field of technology who is also a lecturer at the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional, Mr. I Wayan Ade Saputra who is an expert in the field of design, Mrs. Ayu Satya Kartika, S.E., S.S., M.Sc as experts who discuss material about business and entrepreneurship.

The implementation of IT Bootcamp 2022 activities which are packaged in a short and intensive training program by the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional aims to hone the skills of the participants in preparing themselves to enter the world of work. Through the activities held there were many discussions about important materials which were thoroughly dissected by the speakers who were present as experts in their respective fields, IT Bootcamp itself tried to provide the secret of success in an IT project to an engineer who can be a tip for success in the world of work. later. The IT Bootcamp of the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional focuses on business aspects, design, and technology development that can meet the needs of today’s industrial world market. The implementation of IT Bootcamp not only focuses on providing theory but also provides opportunities for participants to carry out direct practice in realizing their ideas to solve a problem.
Through the implementation of the 2022 Universitas Pendidikan Nasional IT Bootcamp, it is hoped that it can provide knowledge and insight for the participants in realizing their ideas and projects later so that they are ready to compete and become pioneers in the development of the world of technology and industry today.