Building A Sensitive Soul With Dance UKM Universitas Pendidikan Nasional
Denpasar – Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas) through the Bhanda Iswari Dance Student Activity Unit (UKM) held a series of social service activities to train the younger generation in understanding and preserving regional cultural heritage, which in this case is traditional dance culture. Carrying the theme “Building PEKA Spirit (Productive, Effective, Cooperative, Adaptive) Towards Culture Through Community Service”, Bhanda Iswari Dance UKM in synergy with Sundari Laksana Dance and Tabuh Studio held this social service. (16/10/2022)

The activity took place at the Sundari Laksana Dance and Tabuh Studio, Jalan Waturenggong, Br. Kaja, Panjer Traditional Village, Denpasar on Sunday, October 16, 2022. The activity was attended by all members of the Bhanda Iswari Dance UKM and members of the Sundari Laksana Dance and Tabuh Studio. Also present at the event, Mr. I Ketut Wijaya, S.E., Mr. Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Budiana, S.H., M.Sc., as a Lecturer at the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional and also the Customary Advisory Board representing Kelian Banjar Kaja.

The series of social service activities began with an opening agenda by the MC, followed by the singing of the Indonesia Raya anthem and the reading of prayers to ask for the smooth running of the series of social service activities that day. The social service activity was officially opened by Mr. I Ketut Wijaya, S.E., as the coach of the Dance UKM. The peak of the social service activities was filled with dance training for the children of members of the Sundari Laksana Dance and Tabuh Studio. The activity took place with great enthusiasm from the participants. The children who took part in the series of activities enjoyed the training they received. The organizers hope that the Social Service activities held can increase the interest and enthusiasm of the younger generation in learning traditional dances. The activity closed with the agenda of handing over placards and certificates to the Sundari Laksana Dance and Tabuh Studio, followed by a photo session with all participants and the organizing committee of social service activities.