Accounting Education Fair National Education University: Realize The Young Generation Of Excellence And International Competitiveness
Denpasar – National Education University through the Accounting Study Program Student Association (HIMAPRODI) program organizes work programs to create a superior and internationally competitive generation through various series of activities entitled Accounting Education Fair Volume 7 (AEF #7. Accounting Education Fair Volume 7 (AEF #7) 7) is the largest program implemented by HIMAPRODI Accounting. The activities are divided into four series of activities that last for 3 days including Socialization and Blood Donation Volume 7, Accounting Talkshow Talking Culture Volume 7 (ACARYA #7), UNDIKNAS Accounting Competition Volume 7 (UAC # 7), and Olympic of Accounting and Tax Volume 7 (OCTA #7) (24/9/22)

The series of AEF #7 events began with outreach and Blood Donation activities. Located at the Bung Karno Museum, this activity took place in September 2022 in collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) of Bali Province. The theme that was carried was “Give The Blood to Revive The World” by presenting the speaker, dr. I Gede Wiryana Patra Jaya, M.Kes. The ongoing Socialization and Blood Donation activities are expected to have a social impact in increasing the sense of concern among fellow human beings and assist PMI in increasing the availability of blood bags to meet the need for blood bags for emergency conditions. A total of 28 participants, both internal and external, attended this activity.
On the second day, the series of activities continued with Talkshow: Accounting for Culture Talk Volume 7 (ACARYA #7) which was attended by 55 participants. The talk show ACARYA #7 took place offline at the Sunken Area Lower Ground Lippo Mall Kuta by bringing in speakers Ni Luh Putu Ary Pertami Djelantik (Founder of Niluh Djelantik) and Ns. Luh Made Diah Ganaki Pusparani, S.Kep (Founder of Rani Collection). The two speakers were accompanied by a moderator, Ms. Anak Agung Mia Intentilia, S.IP., MA., from the implementation of ACARYA #7 activity, it is hoped that it can inspire the participants to take advantage of local culture as a business opportunity that has its characteristics to attract consumers and tourists.

On the last day, the activity was filled with Olympic of Accounting and Tax Volume 7 (OCTA #7) and Accounting Competition Volume 7 (UAC #7), which took place in the room of Antonio Gramsci and Peter F. Drucker Building A, National Education University. The activity is carried out to increase understanding and hone the potential of participants regarding accounting and taxation so that they are ready to face competition in the era of the global economy. A total of 30 participants in Bali were divided into 10 teams. The OCTA #7 activity was attended by 61 SMK participants throughout Bali by involving active lecturers at the National Education University as well as representatives from the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) of the Bali Regional Office as a jury. The winners of the UAC #7 competitions include Team 2 (SMA N 7 Denpasar), Team 1 (SMA N 7 Denpasar), and Team 3 (SMAS K Santo Joseph) winning third place. Then the winners of OCTA #7, among others, on behalf of Tirta Pranata Limartha (SMK N 1 Tabanan) won first place, Ni Putu Indah Cahyani Putri (SMK N 1 Tabanan) won second place, and Komang Ayu Puspa Maharani (SMK Saraswati 1 Denpasar) won third place. This year, SMK N 1 Tabanan again brought the overall title and rotating trophy from the Bali Regional Office DJP.