Undiknas Shine With BNN, Movement In Realizing A Clean Drugs Campus “War On Drugs”
Denpasar – The National Education University (Undiknas) in order to create a drug-free campus organized the UNDIKNAS BERSINAR program which is part of the 2022 Student Week activity. On Tuesday 6 September 2022, as a step towards realizing this, Undiknas held an audience with the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) to participate in supporting UNDIKNAS BERSINAR activities. Attending the hearing with BNN Mr. Dr. I Made Wirya Darma, S.H., M.H as Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni accompanied by Dr. Komang Satria Wibawa Putra, S.H., M.H., I Gusti Ngurah Oka Ariwangsa, S.E., M.M., Putu Firda Febriyanti Suarta, S.Ak. (6/9/2022)
The arrival of the Undiknas entourage to the Bali Province BNN office was warmly welcomed by Mr. Pol Brigadier General Drs Gde Sugianyar Dwi Putra, S.H., M.Si as the head of the Bali Province BNN. On this auspicious occasion, it was conveyed that in the implementation of UNDIKNAS BERSINAR later parties from BNN could attend as speakers in order to build a young generation free from drugs. In response to this, the Head of the Bali Province BNN expressed his support for the Undiknas program in building the young generation of Bali.

“Hopefully, the character development of creative and innovative young generation without drugs can be encouraged. The younger generation is full of curiosity and high energy, this needs to be used for positive activities without hindering their creativity and needs full attention and support”. He said in an audience session with Undiknas.

Responding to this, the Vice-Rector and the team members who attended the hearing with the head of the BNN for the province of Bali expressed their gratitude for the good response given. Hopefully, through UNDIKNAS BERSINAR activities, the synergy with BNN can continue to be established through shining campus activities in the fight against drugs.