Undiknas Gelar Audiensi Bersama Jajaran Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia
Denpasar – The National Education University (Undiknas) welcomed a group from the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) who were present at the Undiknas Denpasar Campus. The arrival of the PII group was a gathering activity and an audience with the Undiknas campus. The arrival of the group was welcomed by Undiknas Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM. along with the Vice-Chancellor and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Undiknas. Also attending the event were all ranks of Engineering lecturers in the Undiknas environment. (19/8/2022)

The visit began with a speech delivered by the Rector of Undiknas, Professor Sri Subawa. He said that it was an honor for Undiknas to be able to welcome the PII entourage on that day. As an engineering organization, of course, PII has a very good reputation for encouraging the development of engineering in Indonesia, Undiknas as a higher education institution certainly hopes to continue to establish good relations with PII and always collaborate to participate in advancing the engineering world in Indonesia.

After the welcome session was over, the activity continued with the handing over of mementos by the Undiknas Chancellor to the PII representatives who were present, followed by a visit to the facilities at Undiknas. The visit was closed with the delivery of souvenirs to all PII members who were present. Through this visit, it is hoped that Undiknas and PII can continue to establish good relations in the context of developing science and engineering resources in Indonesia.