UKM Teater Dodol Undiknas Through Operet Night Contest Activities #4 Invite Students To Train Same Karma And Together Through Art Pages
Denpasar – The National Education University (Undiknas) through the UKM Theater Dodol UNDIKNAS held a theatrical art performance competition titled “NIGHT OPERET (MOP) #4”. The competition activity is a movement in order to introduce the art of theater performances to the younger generation, as well as in order to establish and foster a sense of solidarity and cooperation between each member. The competition took place in August 2022 yesterday. Located at the Dwi Tunggal Auditorium Undiknas Denpasar, the competition was participated by art theater groups from all over Bali. (9/8/2022)

On this occasion, the competition was attended by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni Head of Student Club and Activity Center Undiknas along with the UNDIKNAS Dodol Theater Advisory Board and Supervisory Board. The competition activity began with remarks from the organizing committee and the cutting of the cone as a symbol of the opening of the #4 NIGHT OPERET (MOP) activity, then followed by the appearance of the competition participants. The activity took place with great enthusiasm from the attendees at the event location. The participants displayed their maximum ability in creating art in the form of theatrical performances.

After the performance of the participants was over, the activity continued with the reading of prayers and singing of the Indonesian National Anthem. The activity continued with theatrical performances from members of the UNDIKNAS Dodol Theater UKM, the Undiknas Sound UKM with their songs, and the Warrior UKM with their modern dance performances. The NIGHT OPERET (MOP) #4 competitions were closed with the announcement of the winners and the submission of certificates and ended with a group photo session.