The Rector Has An Audience With Polda Bali On Student Week Implementation At Undiknas
Denpasar – The Chancellor of the National Education University (Undiknas) Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM. accompanied by the Vice-Rector for Academic Development Dr. Ni Wayan Widhiasthini, S.Sos., M.Si and Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni Dr. I Made Wirya Darma, SH., MH On Thursday, September 1, 2022, he held an audience with the Bali Regional Police (Polda Bali) in the context of holding student week at Undiknas. (1/9/2022)
Located at the Bali Police Office on Jalan W.R Supratman, Denpasar, the arrival of the Chancellor and his staff was welcomed by the Deputy Chief of the Bali Police, Brigadier General. Pol. Drs. I Ketut Suardana, M.Sc., and the Directorate of Community Development (Dirbinmas) Kombes. Pol. Arsdo Ever P. Simatupang, S.I.K, S.H. and their staff. The Rector’s Hearing with the Bali Police regarding the initiation of the student week event in September 2022, where the Bali Police as the agency tasked with maintaining public security and order is expected to be present in a series of student week events. It aims to provide education to prospective new students who will later study at Undiknas to always maintain security and respect the rights of fellow students and also avoid radical nuanced activities, especially in terms of channeling aspirations as a student.

Deputy Chief of Police, Mr. Brigadier General. Pol. Drs. I Ketut Suardana, M.Sc. welcomes the plan.
“This is a good step in educating the public about how to channel their aspirations,” said Brigadier General Ketut Suardana.

He also expressed his hope that in the implementation later, the Bali Police Chief would be able to attend the student week event held by Undiknas. In response to this, Professor Sri Subawa as the Chancellor of Undiknas, and his team thanked the Bali Police for the good response regarding the agenda that had been submitted. Hopefully, holding student week activities at Undiknas with the Bali Police can provide education for prospective students so that they can provide new views for them regarding how to act well in channeling aspirations as the nation’s young generation.