Student Week 2022 Closing Feel With Mayura Undiknas
Denpasar – The closing of the National Education University (Undiknas) student week which was closed directly by the Undiknas Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM., yesterday was very lively. The closing series of events will be held on Sunday, September 11, 2022, at the Undiknas Denpasar Public Field. (11/9/2022)
The activity took place at 15.00 WITA which began with remarks by the Chancellor followed by embedding the attributes of Undiknas students to new student representatives, in his remarks Rector said.

“Hopefully what prospective students have gone through in student week activities can be a valuable experience and proudly take lectures as Undiknas University students, I hereby declare Undiknas student week 2022. Closed”
After being officially closed and officially becoming Undiknas students, new students had the opportunity to attend a series of events that had been prepared by the Nusantara Cultural Appreciation Night committee (MAYURA 2022), students could also see stands from each Student Activity Unit (UKM) and Student Families (KM). which is in Undiknas where they can also have to enroll into it.

The highlight of the event was filled with performances from each group of new students in student week activities featuring various cultural performances from various regions in Indonesia, followed by performances of the Kecak dance performance from the Undiknas Bandha Iswari Dance UKM. At the end of the event, the activity was filled with live music performances, and the lively new students broke out, followed by a fireworks display in the Undiknas sky.
The end of the Undiknas student week series of activities signifies that the prospective students have officially become new students at Undiknas. Hopefully, all new students who have now joined as part of the Undiknas big family can make their best achievements in the world of education and achieve all their goals and objectives.