Officially Opened By The Rector, The First Student Week Series Of Undiknas 2022 Was Attended By The Head Of The BNN Province Of Bali
Denpasar – The Chancellor of the National Education University (Undiknas) Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM. officially opened a series of student week activities to introduce campus life to prospective new students in the 2022/2023 academic year. The activity took place on Friday, September 9, 2022, and was located in the Undiknas Denpasar Campus Field. The activity was attended by all ranks of Vice-Rectors, Deans from each Faculty, Heads of Study Programs, and all Heads of Units within Undiknas. (9/9/2022)
The student week activities that are held are scheduled to last for three days, September 9 to 11, 2022 which will later be filled with various activities to introduce campus life to prospective Undiknas new students. The series of student week opening ceremonies began with the singing of the Indonesian national anthem, prayer readings, and performances of the Undiknas grand dance, followed by remarks from the Vice-Rector for Academic Development, Dr. Ni Wayan Widhiasthini S.Sos, M.Si is also the General Chair of the New Student Admissions Committee and continued with remarks by the Chancellor of Undiknas, Professor Sri Subawa.

In his remarks, he said that the implementation of student week for students is important to maintain order and existing norms without reducing the meaning of the student week activities itself and hopefully the high hopes of prospective students in achieving their goals can be realized with Undiknas. The inauguration of the student week event was marked by the beating of the gong and the release of the dove as an official sign of the 2022 Undiknas student week activities. Followed by the embedding of student week attributes to prospective student representatives by the Undiknas Rector.

In the series of implementations on the inaugural day of Undiknas student week, also attended as guests and as speakers Brigadier General Pol Drs Gde Sugianyar Dwi Putra, S.H., M.Si as Head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Bali Province. Brigadier General Gde Sugianyar was present in educating prospective Undiknas students about the dangers of narcotics abuse. This is very important, considering that the campus as an educational institution plays an important role in creating a drug-free society. Through the tagline “war on drugs,” BNN wants to create a BERSINAR (Clean Narcotics) KAMPUS, where Undiknas as one of the best private universities in Bali can be a pioneer in making this happen.
“As a young generation, it is important to understand the dangers that arise from drug abuse, where the impact is not only damaging to health but also our future as the next generation,” said Mr. Brigadier General Gde Sugianyar
He hopes that prospective Undiknas new students as agents of change in the future will not fall into the world of narcotics and participate in fighting narcotics abuse in society to create a drug-free society. The series of activities closed with a group photo session and the handover of mementos by the Chancellor of National Education to Mr. Brigadier General Gde Sugianyar as a resource person.